Hi everybody,
I’d like to introduce our kennel “La Nostra Terra”, it’s been found 3 years ago, on a day we have lost our first cane-corso, that was the end, but also a beginning of our new story with this breed. We understood that couldn’t live without cane-corso anymore, we did realize that we have to give high quality dogs and in our kennel that’s definitely goes on the first.
Up today we have two great females, they will build up our new cane-corso generation, we hope we’ll do our best.
That was long way of finding the right females for us, where power, might and grace were to merge into one dog.
Our first lady is Rothorm JY Dream GBaksi, she’s 2 years old, 62 sm,50 kg, she has great bones, absolutely fantastic character.

Second one is Honey Dolce Gracioso, absolutely black female of 13 months old, 66 sm, 47 kg,
She’s our big hope for the shows,as she has great temper and she moves fantastic.

Best regards,
Mira and Alex