Author Topic: Buddy: Young Black Corso for Adoption  (Read 27592 times)

Offline Jay K

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Buddy: Young Black Corso for Adoption
« on: December 15, 2009, 08:17:49 PM »
I have not posted on here for a long time, sorry.  We have a new foster Corso I just wanted to post up.

So yesturday I picked up the ever so popular Buddy from the vet to foster him for Cane Corso Rescue.  There are a lot of people that played a huge role in saving this young dogs life, you can read about that here
as I would like to see this thread stay on track to find a home.  I cannot say enough good things about this dog and I will keep this updated with new pictures both before and after, you have no idea how bad this poor guy was.

The Story
A couple actually found Buddy laying in the road in very bad shape, they actually took the dog, there should be more people like this.  Buddy ended up at the PSPCA.  Buddy had serve bite wounds covering his body (even a hole in his muzzle) as he was used as a bait dog and then dumped when his injures got too severe.  Buddy was also deathly underweight as is common with bait dogs so they cannot fight back.  His joints were horribly swollen as well, in fact they were bad enough that the shelter really did not think anything could be done and it would be best to put him down as the money involved would be great and need to come from somewhere.  Then Cane Corso Rescue stepped in.  The did find a vet in PA that agreed to treat and care for him.  Once in the care of the vet he underwent treatment for the severe puncture wounds and put on a speical diet to get back to proper weight.  The vet techs would actually take Buddy home on the weekends so he did not have to be alone, a truely great staff there.  It is a bit over a month now and he was well enough to place in foster care with myself and my family.

About Buddy
Buddy is estimated to be about 1 year old and weights in at 90lbs(thank god).  He is Black in color with so white on his chest and paws(We think he might have some Neo in him).  He does have natural ears, tail, and dewclaws.  His wounds are healed for the most part but he does still have many scars which you can see in his pictures.  His joints (elbows and hind legs), but he has no trouble at all or discomfort walking, running, or jumping.  After all this pup has been through you would think there may be a temperment issue...Not even close!  Buddy is one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met.  He is extremely affectionate. He loves people and loves going outside for walks.  All my children have been in contact with him without and problems except they want to keep him.  Buddy shares our homes with Myself, wife, and 4 children(17,16,7,and 4).  We are currently working with him but he does sit and lay down so far.  He appears to be housebroken, but did have a accident when he first arrived(number 1).

Buddy was tested and is heartworm negative!  He did have whipworm which he was treated for and will be checked and treated again in a few weeks.  He was neutered last week and the surgery went very well. The swelling in his elbows and legs will go down a bit, but the vet thinks they will still remain somewhat fiberous due to damages already done, but in no way effect his movement and is not painful anymore.

A all around sweet dog.  Buddy is extremely clinggy and really dislikes being left alone, we are working on crate training with him now.  He does show some slight protective qualities, which I am sure woudl develop further with ages and time spent with.  Buddy does get a bit spooked by loud noises and loud cars, but he no reactions to sudden movements.  No food or toy aggression at all.  He has had interactions with the vet and vet tech's personal aniamls, but he will probably meet my dogs sometime next week.

Buddy would definatly be suited better to a person that is familar with the Corso breed not to a first timer.  Also as he is a young dogs he will require an owner that has suitable space and is willing to excerise him.  I cannot say at this time my opinion on if he should live with other pets, but I will update that as he spends more time here.  This dogs has been through it all and was closer to death than many, he needs an owner that will give him the time and care needed for this breed.  In time he will need positive socialization and training.

If your are interested in Buddy you may post any questions here or you can also email me at  Buddy is being fostered for Cane Corso Rescue and you will need to fill out an application, you can do that here.  You can find him at and probably on petfinder.  Now on to the pictures, I will post some more before treatment pictures which I will post when I get them, you will be blown away how far he has come.

Before Treatment


Offline XLaurax

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Re: Buddy: Young Black Corso for Adoption
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2009, 08:41:58 PM »
Wow, that first picture makes me really feeling sad....poor dog  :-[ :'(

I'm very glad he's looking better now and is with people who taking good care of him.
I pray for him he finds a new friend for life,

greetings Laura

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Re: Buddy: Young Black Corso for Adoption
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2009, 09:54:51 PM »
Wow, thanks for doing such a good job on him!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really hope he will find a good home soon, where he can spend the rest of his life as a happy healthy dog!

Offline Bionicle

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Re: Buddy: Young Black Corso for Adoption
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2009, 07:51:43 AM »
Thank God there are still rescuing angels on earth!

I truly hope Buddy will find a wonderful and loving home for life!

Offline Queencitycorso

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Re: Buddy: Young Black Corso for Adoption
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2009, 11:27:50 PM »
People in this world never cease to amaze me. I can't believe anyone would take this dog and do such horrible things to him. Thank god for the folks that found him and for the effort you've given to save him. It's great to see people like you show such compassion. I wish we had room for him but our house is full enough with 2 Corso's already, a Shi-Tzu and a cat. I hope to hear that you've found a suitable home for buddy soon.

Offline Giulia

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Re: Buddy: Young Black Corso for Adoption
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2010, 08:30:13 PM »
Buddy is beautyfull, I unbelive someone don't want a dog like this !!!

Re: Buddy: Young Black Corso for Adoption
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2011, 01:32:46 AM »
God bless you and I dont think he looks pure Corso though, but I could be wrong. I am behind on my mortgage but if you have a paypal address I will send a few bucks to help with food.

Offline Kelly

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Re: Buddy: Young Black Corso for Adoption
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2012, 07:40:01 PM »
Jay how is he doing now?