Lately I am getting strange questions about the breeder status that our breeder members on the forum have. Like how much I charge for this?? How much to announce a litter?? These services are for FREE!! No charges! This is a forum with passion for the Cane Corso Italiano, not some place I want to get rich from. If you have an interesting litter, please do let the rest of the forum know. Please do share pictures of the pups. Please keep us updated. On too many forums it is not allowed to talk about your pups. Being a breeder, I know having great pups is the best thing there is. Feel free

to talk about them here.
If you are a breeder and do not have the breeder status

yet, just let me know and I will change your status. Feel free to post a banner and link to your private website in the signature under your posts.
It is however not allowed to abuse the passion of our forummembers to advertise commercial websites here who do charge for services like mentioned above.