No problems with the chat function. The 4+ Users is standard on the forum and something we probably better take off. It used to be always correct. Always more than 4 users on the chat a while ago. Most of the times when you enter now, you are alone

I have a job again and I am not that lucky to be able to chat at work

I used to be logged into the chat all the time with mIRC and my pc called me when someone came to the chat. That way I could keep converstations going till the next person came in. Now people log on, see no one there and log out again. If no one waits for the next person to come in, the chat will remain empty

I sometimes log on late in the evening, to find no one. I usually stay a while, but hardly ever catch anyone lately. I hope more people will log on to wait for the next person and not log out when no one is there. We had some great things going on that chat. It's a shame if the chat would die