Testforum > Forum questions
Profile pic
Hi guys...
I've tried to upload my profile picture, but nothing's changed...
Try to put your picture in photobucket and link it to there. The directory for uploading pics to the forum is closed for the moment.
Still not working... I've got one from Roma's picasa album and nothing...
For example, I've used this link http://picasaweb.google.com.br/lh/photo/n-iudoNA0BtKXtMAnEC0lw?feat=directlink in the middle of the photo code and... nothing!
I put it in for you. It was not working because you did not link to the picture, but to the album your picture was in. This is the link I used http://lh5.ggpht.com/_BkldGW-NGyI/S2C0CssWMiI/AAAAAAAAAjA/hesCyVxsw4E/s640/27012010615.jpg
Thanks a bunch!!!!
But picasa said "Link to this pic", LOL! Well, now I know better and I'm gonna change my profile pic 'cause it's a different one that I want there, but again, thank you!
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